Shad Helmstetter is the pioneering dean in the field of self-talk. He is the first behavioral researcher to focus on the role of self-talk as the primary programming source that directs our life path and personal success or failure, and he identified the actual self-talk words and phrases which most impact our individual programming. Based on his research, he wrote and recorded the first professional self-talk audio programs in 1981. Now, over thirty years later, his recorded self-talk programs are listened to each day by thousands of individuals worldwide.
Dr. Helmstetter has brought his breakthrough concepts in the field of self-talk and personal growth to enthusiastic audiences throughout the world, speaking in person to as many as 250,000 people a year. Just as Shad enriches in-person audiences, he has reached millions of listeners and viewers in his appearances on over 1200 radio and television programs for more than twenty-five years, including repeat appearances on Oprah Winfrey, ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN News.
the complete book of self talk shad helmstetter
After working as a successful consultant to business organizations, Shad returned to school as an adult, with a desire to focus on human behavior and motivational psychology. He studied at Harper College in Palatine, Ill, San Jose State, and Southwest University, where he received his Ph.D. in motivational psychology while writing his first book and continuing to work full time. He has written, to date, 16 books in his field, including three self-talk books for children.
From how you look at the world to how you act towards others, your thoughts determine your life. When you talk to yourself, you are programming your mind with the ideas that will shape the future. The more you think about something, the more likely it is that you will act on it in the future.
Now, take a moment to reflect on your self-talk. Where are you on this scale? What is it that you could improve when it comes to talking to yourself? Words, even unspoken, have a tremendous effect on your actions. If you want to change your life, start by changing your words.
If you believe in the general concept of positive selftalk, this book will help make it a daily habit. The daily affirmations, messages, and exercises help keep you focused on your internal dialogue. Reading it every morning (or whenever fits into your regular routine) is the reminder you need to stay on track to develop the habit of being kinder to yourself.
Shad Helmstetter, Ph.D. is a pioneer in the field of self-talk and is the bestselling author of over 20 personal growth books. He is the first behavior researcher to focus on the role of self-talk as a primary programming source that directs our effectiveness and life path. Dr. Helmstetter has reached millions with his insights in his appearances on more than 1200 radio and television programs including Oprah Winfrey, ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN News. Dr. Shad Helmstetter is also the founder of The Self-Talk Institute and The Life Coach Institute, which trains and certifies life and business coaches in the United States and internationally.
Learn how to reverse the effects of negative self-talk and embrace a more optimistic outlook on life! In the updated edition of What to Say When You Talk to Your Self, Shad Helmstetter, Ph.D. shares how to reverse the effects of negative self-talk with his Five Levels of Self-Talk: Negative Acceptance, Recognition and Need to Change, Decision to Change, The Better You, and Universal Affirmation.
Interested in brain training and self-talk? Visit to take advantage of the free 30-day trial. There you can listen to thousands of self-talk recordings for self-esteem, health and fitness, positive relationships, career achievement, and much more!
Most of our average, habit-formed, everyday self-talk is counter-productive and self-defeating, eg:I can't remember names. I can't seem to get organized. I never know what to say. It's going to be another one of those days! I'm really out of shape. If only I had more time.
In What to Say When You Talk to Your Self, psychologist Dr. Shad Helmstetter writes about the power of self-talk: what to say to ourselves every day, the power of affirmations, reprogramming our self-limiting beliefs and how to use self-talk for personal transformation.
This level is beguiling. On the surface it looks as though it should work for us. But instead, it works against us! In this level of self-talk we are stating to ourselves and to others our recognition of our need to change.
Are negative thoughts getting you down? Do you find yourself overthinking and imagining the worst possible outcomes about everything? Well, you are not alone. Many of us struggle with negative thinking and the way it affects us can range from mild to debilitating. Most of the time, it holds us back from achieving our potential by introducing unnecessary fear. As much as we all know this is not good for us, it still happens. So, how can you stop your negative thinking and take control of your mind? By reading on and having a look at the best books on destroying negative thinking is a good place to start.
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In his indispensable book The War of Art, Steven Pressfield describes Resistance as the negative inner force that stops you from taking action toward your most important goals. It is, he says, the mental brick wall that prevents writers from writing, painters from painting, and entrepreneurs from starting their companies. It has, no doubt, prevented you from applying to graduate school, going to the gym, getting yourself out of debt, or pursuing other important goals and dreams.
One of the most powerfully paralyzing weapons that Resistance uses to stop you from sitting down at the keyboard, picking up the phone, completing the application, or asking for the sale or the date is negative self-talk.
There are many remedies that experts recommend for reprogramming negative self-talk, and they all can work, either alone or (preferably) in combination. So before I show you my radical solution, here are seven more conventional approaches.
Remedy #3: Practice mindfulness meditation. In his book Tribe of Mentors, Timothy Ferriss asked more than 300 very successful people what one thing they have taken up in the past five years that has been very helpful to them. A surprising number responded that it was a meditation practice. One of the signal benefits of meditation is that it helps you sort out the voices in your head and to see negative self-talk for what it really is: the malignant echo of past pain, and not the real you.
Remedy #6: Focus forward. One way or another, negative self-talk is always rooted in painful memories of past rejection and failure. When you forcefully direct your thought patterns toward future goals, you crowd out this negative self-talk. Download my Memories of the Future Guidebook for a practical 10-step guide for doing this.
Remedy #7: Stop complaining. Any time you complain, about anything at all, it is an outward projection of inner negative self-talk. By definition, you do not complain about things that are positive. When you complain you reinforce and affirm what the voice of negative self-talk is saying to you. In our book Building a Culture of Ownership in Healthcare (AJN #1 Book of the Year in 2017), Bob Dent and I wrote about the personal harm caused by chronic complaining, summarized in this poster: 20 Ways that Complaining Diminishes Your Life.
I can tell you from my own experience and from why I hear from a growing number of others that Dr. Schwartz was right. A Janitor in Your Attic can help you reprogram negative self-talk, and if you keep doing it for long enough, eventually your default self-talk will become more positive.
This article consists of various ideas from the book what to say when you talk to yourself by Shad Helmstetter. Talking to yourself is a habit if you perform it wrong then it might cost you success, happiness or achievement. Read the article ad learn the best way to have a self-talk.
When looking at a problem or the change you want look with every angle. Make a list of every area within changes or problem you want to overcome and make a positive self-talk. Every goal or change can be covered with a number of self-talks.
I hope you learned how to reprogram your negative mind into a positive one. What to say when you talk to yourself is one of the best Shad Helmstetter books Feel free to comment below to give your suggestions, recommendations and feedback. 2ff7e9595c